Instant Scan Advanced Options
  • 17 Jun 2024
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Instant Scan Advanced Options

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Article summary


Documentation for Instant Scan is available in the Mac User's Guide and Windows User's Guide.

Enable or Disable Instant Scan

  • See instructions for Windows.
  • See instructions for Mac.

If Retrospect stops using Instant Scan

If Retrospect stops using Instant Scan, it might be an issue with Instant Scan’s internal data files. You can try the following steps:

  1. Stop Instant Scan.
  2. Locate Instant Scan’s folder and remove the files starting with RetroISAScan.
    • Macintosh: /Library/Application Support/Retrospect/RetroISAScans
    • Windows XP and 2003 Server: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RetroISA
    • Windows Vista or later: C:\ProgramData\RetroISA
  3. Start Instant Scan and wait for the first initial scan to finish.

Editing Retro_ISA.ini

To change the options inside Instant Scan you will need to edit the retro_isa.ini file.

Location of Retro_ISA.ini file.

  • Macintosh: /Library/Application Support/Retrospect
  • Windows XP and 2003 Server: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\RetroISA
  • Windows Vista or later: C:\ProgramData\RetroISA

Modifying the retro_isa.ini file


  1. Locate the file using the path listed above
  2. Get Info on the retro_ISA.ini file.
  3. Unlock the file using the lock button
  4. Change the file permissions to "Read & Write" for Admin, Everyone and your logged in user account.
  5. Double click the file and make any needed edits
  6. Save your changes . Restart RetroISA using the below directions


  1. Locate the file using the path listed above
  2. Edit the file using a text editor and make any needed edits.
  3. Save your changes. . Restart RetroISA using the below directions

How to Restart the RetroISA process


  1. Launch Activity Monitor located in /Applications/Utilities/
  2. Locate the process named RetroISA and select it
  3. Select Quit Process (top left corner) and select Quit in the next window > The RetroISA process will automatically restart after quitting it   Windows
  4. Start Windows Task Manager
  5. Select the tab labeled Services
  6. Locate the service named RetroInstantScanService
  7. Right click RetroInstantScanService and select Stop Service
  8. You can verify that RetroISA is no longer running by looking in the Process tab (it won’t be there) Back in the Service tab, right click RetroInstantScanService and select Start Service   You can also go into the Services Control Panel and locate the Retrospect Instant Scan Service and "stop" the service.

Disable Volume Scanning manually


To stop all volume scanning, using the following commands in the OS X terminal utility:

sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.retrospect.retroisa.plist

sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.retrospect.retroisa Disabled -bool true


  1. Launch "Control Panel" and go to "System and Security" ⇒"Administrative Tools" ⇒ "Services".
  2. Find the "Retrospect Instant Scan" entry and select "Action" ⇒ "Properties".
  3. Click "Stop", select "Disabled" from "Startup type", and click "OK".

Exclude specific volumes from being scanned on the Macintosh

The following are examples of what to add to the .ini file using the above directions for editing retro_ISA.ini:

ExcludedVolume0=/Volumes/Volume name/

ExcludedVolume1=/Volumes/Volume name/

  • You must enter your volume name as a replacement for "Volume name".
  • If you have a 3rd volume to exclude, change the value to "ExcludedVolume2=/Volumes/Volume name/", etc.


ExcludedVolume0=/Volumes/Macintosh HD/

Exclude specific volumes from being scanned on the Windows

The following are examples of what to add to the .ini file using the above directions for editing retro_ISA.ini:



If you have a 3rd volume to exclude, change the value to "ExcludedVolume2=E:\", etc.

Log Size

You can change the maximum size of the RetroISA log file from 1MB to 99MB. Add the following value to the retro_ISA.ini file using the above directions for editing the file:




Debug Logging

Only use the following directions if requested by technical support:

  1. Edit the Retro_ISA.ini file using the directions outlined above . Change SetAppLogging=3 to SetAppLogging=7

Macintosh Terminal Commands

  • Stop the RetroISA process: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.retrospect.retroisa.plist
  • Start the RetroISA process: sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.retrospect.retroisa.plist
  • Prevent RetroISA from loading at startup: sudo defaults write /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.retrospect.retroisa.plist Disabled -bool true


tmonitor_unix.cpp-95: If you have an NTFS formatted volume mounted to the desktop of your Macintosh, the RetroISA process may report a tmonitor assert error. To avoid this error, exclude the volume from the scan by editing the .ini file using the above directions.

Last Update: April 30, 2015

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