How to protect a computer over VPN
  • 13 Nov 2023
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How to protect a computer over VPN

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Article summary


Retrospect for Windows and Retrospect for Mac both support protecting computers over a VPN. It requires the correct networking setup and workflow within Retrospect.


The Retrospect engine must be able to reach the client:

Ensure port 497 is open.

Find the direct IP of the client computer.

To ensure the computer is protected moving forward, configure the VPN software to assign a static IP to the computer.

Setup Steps

Go to Clients.

Add client via "Direct IP".


  • Try to "ping" the computer from the engine computer
  • Double check the IP you typed within Retrospect is the same as the direct IP of the computer.
  • Testing from the engine side:

telnet <machine IP> 497

  • If it connects, you will get a black screen, press control and the ']' key (that is the right square bracket character) to exit.
  • If it does not, you will get a message similar to:

Could not open connection to the host, on port 497: Connect failed

  • Note: Telnet is not installed on Windows by default. To install it from the command line, enter:

pkgmgr /iu:"TelnetClient"

Last Update: October 9, 2017

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