Verify/Restore error with Dropbox
    • 14 Dec 2023
    • 2 Minutes to read

    Verify/Restore error with Dropbox

    Article summary

    Verify/Restore error {"error_summary": "path/not_found/...", "error": {".tag": "path", "path": {".tag": "not_found"}}} with Dropbox

    During backups to Dropbox Retrospect may experience a "WSAECONNRESET An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host." error. Retrospect was not properly handling this error and would add files/folders to the catalog file even though they were not uploaded to Dropbox. This would cause "not_found" errors on verify and restore as the data was not uploaded to Dropbox. Evidence that you have run into this issue can be found in the operations log, during the backup you will see Retrospect tried to upload data up to 10 times followed by verbose logging with a "WSAECONNRESET An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host" message. This message can be logged quite a bit depending on the amount of data being uploaded. See log examples below.

    Verify/Restore error:
    Trouble reading: "1-Dropbox" (380934), error -1010 (API request bad)
    Trouble positioning: "1-Dropbox" (380934), error -1010 (API request bad)
    [] 10/6/2023 10:38:58 AM: TDropboxConn::DownloadBytes: /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb: lastMethodSuccess=1 statusCode=409 connectFailReason=0
    ] {"error_summary": "path/not_found/...", "error": {".tag": "path", "path": {".tag": "not_found"}}}

    WSAECONNRESET error logging during backup:
    [] 04/10/2023 02:48:29 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #1 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0
    ] 04/10/2023 02:48:30 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #2 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0
    [] 04/10/2023 02:48:32 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #3 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0
    ] 04/10/2023 02:48:33 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #4 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0
    [] 04/10/2023 02:48:34 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #5 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0
    ] 04/10/2023 02:48:35 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #6 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0
    [] 04/10/2023 02:48:37 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #7 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0
    ] 04/10/2023 02:48:38 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #8 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0
    [] 04/10/2023 02:48:39 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #9 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0
    ] 04/10/2023 02:48:40 p.m.: dropboxHandleUploadResp #10 /Dropbox/1-Dropbox/AB001858.rdb@0: lastMethodSuccess=0 statusCode=200 connectFailReason=0

    Error sending on socket (1)
    WSAECONNRESET An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
    After encountering this error you will need to rebuild the catalog file. Before running rebuilding the catalog file you will first need to login to your Dropbox account, on the left side under "All Files" expand Apps/Retrospect Backup/(your backup set name)/(1-your backup set name), select all of the .session files and delete them. After the files have been deleted you can rebuild the catalog file for your Dropbox set. This issue is fixed in Retrospect 19.2. With 19.2, in some cases Retrospect is not getting an error status for the WSAECONNRESET error and will continue attempting to backup to Dropbox. In this case the execution will need to be stopped.

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