Install Error 1311, Source File not Found
  • 13 Nov 2023
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Install Error 1311, Source File not Found

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Article summary


When installing or updating Retrospect, it is important to remember to extract the zipped folder before initiating the installation. If the folder has not been extracted you may encounter:

You can resolve this error by doing the following:

Navigate to the location that you have downloaded Retrospect. By default, this is your Downloads folder.

Locate the zipped Retrospect installation directory. It will have the naming convention of

Right click on the .zip file and choose the “Extract All…​” option. If you have third party compression software installed you may instead see “Extract here”.

Choose a location to extract the installation directory.

After the extraction process is complete, navigate to the location specified, open up the extracted folder, and launch the Setup.exe executable.

Now, continue the installation process as usual and you will no longer encounter this error.

Last Update: June 8, 2018

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