Immediate Restore - Windows 6.5
  • 13 Nov 2023
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Immediate Restore - Windows 6.5

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Article summary


To begin the restore process, launch Retrospect from the Retrospect Programs group found within the Windows Start Menu. Once Retrospect is open, you will be presented with the Retrospect Navigation Bar.

To begin the restore, click Restore.

You will be presented with the Restore Overview window. Click the Selected Files button as illustrated in this screenshot.

– You must then choose a source snapshot to restore from. Snapshots are part of a backup set.

Select the appropriate backup set in the upper field of the Restore from Backup:Source.

If you have backed up different sources to the selected backup set, more than one snapshot will appear in the lower Snapshot field (For example, if you backed up your C: drive and your D: drive, each will have its own Snapshot). Select the Snapshot you wish to restore from.

Review your choices. If you have selected the correct backup set and Snapshot, click the OK button.

– You must now select the destination for the restored data.

Choose one of the available hard drives, or a Subvolume, if you have previously defined one.

Now choose the option of "Retrieve Files & Folders" from the drop-down menu . Your data will be restored to a new folder on your destination. This folder will have the same name as the source backup set.

– If the correct destination is selected in the Destination Selection window, press OK. Retrospect will then display the matching progress window.

– The Restore from Backup window will appear. Note that no files have been chosen to restore. Click on Files Chosen to select the files you wish to restore from the Snapshot.

– Retrospect then builds a browser window to allow you to select the files you wish to restore.

To select individual files or folders, click on their name.

Use shift-click to select blocks of files and folders and control-click to select non-sequential files and folders.

When you have selected all the files you wish to restore, click on the "Flags" box to the left of one of the selected files.

Checking one highlighted file will automatically mark all of the items you previously highlighted. After you have marked the needed items, close the browser window by clicking the "X" in the upper right corner). Tip: If you wish to select the entire hard disk, rather than individual files, check the "Flag" box to the left of the hard drive icon (first item in the list). All files and folders will then automatically be checked.

- Note the destination, making sure that Retrospect has been set to retrieve the data to a new folder. Review Files Chosen to confirm that the number of items chosen appears correct and that enough free disk space is available. Press the Restore button to begin the restore.

– Retrospect will open the Activity Monitor that will display the Executing tab to show searching for member process. You will now be prompted for the appropriate member of the backup set. Note: If you have the media already inserted in the drive, you may not receive this message.

– The restore process will then begin, reading the backup media and writing the retrieved data to the destination. Depending on how your backup was stored, Retrospect may ask for more than one backup set member. Note: Retrospect may not ask for every member of the Backup Set during the restore. At the end of the restore, you will see that the execution was successful displayed in the History tab of the Activity Monitor. Click Done to close the Activity Monitor.

Your restored data will be found on the destination in its new folder, named after your backup set.

Last Update: February 13, 2012

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