Express HD - How do I rebuild the catalog file in Express HD 2.x?
  • 24 Oct 2023
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Express HD - How do I rebuild the catalog file in Express HD 2.x?

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Article summary

Steps for rebuilding the catalog file:

  1. Launch Retrospect HD by double-clicking the taskbar icon or using Start >Programs> EMC Retrospect > Retrospect HD 2.0.
  2. Verify the number of Restore Points listed on the main page. If there are no Restore Points listed or you feel that there should be more Restore Points showing a catalog rebuild is needed.
  3. Use My Computer to browse to the location where a backup was stored. This will normally be on the destination drive at the time of the backup. Note: If the backup was stored on a network shared volume, the shared volume must be mapped into My Computer, pointing to the Retrospect Restore Points folder. Then, open the /Retrospect Restore Points/ folder. If the backup was stored on an external device such as an external hard drive, then the RestorePoint.rbc file must be deleted. If the backup was stored on a network shared volume (like the video below shows), then the computername.rbc file must be deleted. Note: In the case of the video the computer name is TS-LT-MICHAEL, therefore, the catalog file will be called TS-LT-MICHAEL.rbc.
  4. Right click and delete the catalog file.
  5. Run Backup Setup again, you will notice that the original Backup configurations should still be intact.
  6. You will notice that the original Backup configurations should still be intact.
  7. Right click the backup drive and choose Perform Backup Maintenance. Then click Next.
  8. Original Setup should be intact. Then click Finish.
  9. Within a few moments you will notice the display message change to Backup Maintenance in progress. The catalog rebuild is happening now. Note: The catalog rebuild process may take some time depending on the size of the backup stored on the destination.
  10. Verify the Restore Point available.
  11. Refresh the window the catalog file is stored and verify that the Retrospect catalog has been recreated.

Last Update: February 13, 2012

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